Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Goodbye to Singlehood

Everybody has to say goodbye to its single hood. One of the activities a soon too be wed does is to conduct a bridal shower or stag party. Women around the planet have a great passion about the bridal shower favors. The Grand Bridal Shower Party is an event primarily for soon-to-wed brides and female members of their entourage. Bridal Party is arranged to give gifts to the bride before the wedding. For the grooms to be their way of parting from their single hood is the so-called bachelor party. A bachelor party may involve activities beyond the usual party and social gathering ingredients (often drinking alcohol and gambling), such as going to a strip club or hiring a stripper, and in some traditions more hazing-like tests and pranks at the future groom's expense, which shows the whole thing is also a rite of passage from bachelorhood (associated with an adolescent lifestyle, often in the common past of most participants, e.g. in their student years) to "more responsible" marital life. The stag party or the bachelor's night is usually organized by the groom's best man and traditionally celebrated a week before the wedding day.

Bridal Showers and Bachelor Parties can be conducted in to different places such as:

A Private Home or Apartment- When choosing to have the shower at a private home, the options really are wide open.

A Bar or Club- Sometimes, there is just nothing better than just going to a bar or club, particularly if those invited to your bridal shower and/or bachelor party enjoy dancing and having a "girls and boys night out." Just be sure to only invite those you know would be comfortable in this type of environment. A bar or club is also a good place to have a coed bridal shower and bachelor party.

In having this kind of parties couples involve in different parties must be cautious to their actions to avoid unexpected actions such as getting pregnant by the one you have met on your bachelorette party and for the grooms to be don't get too naughty you might get someone from the party pregnant. Just enjoy the last party of your single hood.

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